The dendextend package for visualizing and comparing trees of hierarchical clusterings (slides from useR!2014)

When using the dendextend package in your work, please cite it using:

Tal Galili (2015). dendextend: an R package for visualizing, adjusting, and comparing trees of hierarchical clustering. Bioinformatics. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btv428

This week I presented in the useR!2014ย my package dendextendย (also on github), for easily manipulating, visualizing, and comparing dendrograms. Put simply, it is a package designed to easily create figures like these:

2015-06-28 20_58_26-Clipboard

Here is my presentation from useR:

[gview file=”” profile=”null” save=”1″]

You are also invited to give a look to the current version of the package vignettes:

I highly welcome features suggestions and bug reports (or just “wow, this is awesome”) sent to my e-mail (tal.galili AT, you can also leave a comment or use the github issue page.

A sidenote on useR!2014: this year’s useR conference was wonderful! I enjoyed the many talks, sessions, posters, and especially the so many wonderful R users I got to meet (and I will not try to list all of you – but you know who you are, and how much I enjoyed seeing you!). As corny as it may sound – we, the people who use R, are truly a community. There is a lot to be said about getting to meet so many people who share my own passion for statistical programming, open source, collaboration, open science, and a better future in general. Gladly, you can get a sense of what happened there by having a look at the twitter hashtag #useR2014. Several great R bloggers already started writing about it, you can see their posts here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And I hope more posts will follow. I hope to see you in next year’s useR!2015!

8 thoughts on “The dendextend package for visualizing and comparing trees of hierarchical clusterings (slides from useR!2014)”

  1. It’s really amazing and useful work!!
    I wonder if the two tree comparison can be applied to one hierarchical clustering and one phylogenetic tree?

    1. Thanks Chen ๐Ÿ™‚
      A phylogenetic tree of type phylo (from the ape package) can be turned into a dendrogram using as.dendrogram (it is in dendextend, and uses as.hclust in the background).


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